Thursday, April 2, 2009

11 Year Old brings forth the Word

When I saw this, I was in awe! (Sidenote: I was raised Catholic, so I'm not used to church services like in the Baptist congregation). But I have to say, young Jared Sawyer moved me. His passion for bringing the Word surpasses some men 2x his age. It's very obvious that he has the family support and environment that fosters his spiritual growth. So many times parents force their children to do things that are pleasing in their eyes, vs. what the child has an interest in. However, watching Jared, it just comes so natural to him to speak the wonderful works of the Lord. God uses children in the most amazing of ways. So the next time your child shares his/her dream or vision w/ you, support it w/ excitement and diligence (no matter what YOU think of it)

Watch Jared give his message on Childrens' Sunday in Atlanta (June 2008)

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