Sunday, March 15, 2009

This kid is ONLY 10!

So it's 3am and I just got in from a crazy party @ Eros (big ups to the Glenn Twins and Eva Pigford, I had a blast, sick and all lolol)...I logged into Twitter just to see what worthwhile tweets I missed throughout the day...and I come across this, courtesy of TJ Chapman (of TJsDJs)

Now there are so many things wrong w/ this video...I don't even know where to begin...the 1st is as a parent why do you have your child out in the street like that? I understand preaching the Word and teaching religion from an early age, but protesting at the age of 10? Religious people always say the God calls on children to spread his word and I'm willing to buy into that ideology...but this is just way too much

Secondly, a 10 year old should not even know what the word "whore" means...if you wanna teach your child that certain types of behavior are wrong, you can say it's unpleasing to God or it's not in agreement w/ the faith...but watching this boy spew such foul language, it blew's disappointing actually...even though I could see the intent was in the right place, his ignorant parents are teaching him the wrong methods...and what's so sad is that he'll grow up to be 1 of the radicals that are out there delivering a good message but going about it completely wrong...putting his own life and the lives of others at risk...and people wonder how people grow up to be terrorists...this is how

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